Phew, any suggestions for getting around in a brace without crutches? I hurt my ankle and I'm finding the crutch thing is more troubling than hopping on one foot.
I just think it's weird that in the ten-ish years of dance, skating, and soccer, the worst injury I sustained was a bruised hip. But I walk down the sidewalk and now I'm in a brace. It isn't broken though!
Anyway, I'm chou-serious about a new diary. When I had Gold, I could track IP addresses, and knew that there were quite a few on here that I really don't want to see here again! So, I'm gonna be predictable and pick a final fantasy character name, and drop everybody a note and explain it in my new diary with more detail. No locking though, I'd hate to lock my diary. No point in making an internet diary and then just not letting anybody read it.
Now I'm on the hunt for purdy new layouts. Cross your fingers that I come across a KH one! (Which is where the title came from... still only 33.16 seconds on Poster Duty... I'm 3.16 seconds from boycotting Squeenix.)
SILENCE, TRAITOR! - 2006-05-10
Irish History - 2006-05-02
Goodbye Bio! - 2006-05-01
DANCE, WATER! DANCE! - 2006-04-26
Gaaaaaah. - 2006-04-24